Archive for June 2010

June colds?

Anyone else get colds in summer?  I’ve got one and it sucks.  I’d say it’s an allergy attack, but it’s behaving just like a cold – itchy throat, then runny nose, then cough and fever…. ack!

The bright side of wrong – The Boston Globe

When I read this, I thought of all the poor kids whose parents constantly correct them and scold them for making mistakes and prevent them from taking risks – intellectual risks, social risks, physical risks.  There’s strong motivation here for expanding your parenting style to incorporate allowing your kids to screw up.  And even for […]

Faster grepping with awk.

Turns out that for some cases, awking is much, much faster than grep. Just now, I wanted to know how many unique MAC addresses appeared in our DHCP server’s log file asking for a lease but not getting it.  There are a few ways to skin this cat.  What’s interesting is that some ways are […]

Would You Rather Be Right or Be At Peace?

I follow this guy’s blog, Stephen Mills.  He wrote a piece today that explains very well one of the choices I’ve been trying to finishing making for the past five years or so.  Would You Rather Be Right or Be At Peace?.  Good stuff, Stephen.  Thanks!