Archive for August 2012

Recovering data from an NTFS laptop harddrive with MFT failures

A client brought me a Dell Inspiron 5150 and reported it wouldn’t boot.  Other techs had looked at it and reported a hard-drive failure.  I learned the drive was mechanically operable and that the NTFS file system had suffered a double MFT failure.  The MFT is the Master File Table, which you can read about […]

Weblogic AdminServer refused to start – truncated system-jazn-data.xml

We rebooted the computer on which we have OID, OVD installed. When it started up, we noticed the AdminServer wasn’t running. We have our system configured to start Nodemanager which should start the AdminServer.  So when it didn’t, I went to the DOS prompt and used startWeblogic.cmd so I could easily see the output.  Here’s […]