Archive for June 2012

Weblogic SSL is a screaming baby in the night.

See, here’s the silver lining in the very dark cloud of sysadmin hell I lately find myself. I’ve learned that I never, EVER, want to have to dig my way through an Oracle product again. So, there’s that. Figuring out the SSL stuff between the nodemanager, admin servers and managed servers feels sort of like […]

Need SANS? Creating a JKS keystore with openssl and keytool.

I needed to buy a single SSL cert from Verisign that works for two hostnames and can be installed on nine servers.  Wow. To do that, you buy a SAN (Subject Alternative Name) SSL Cert.  I’m installing this cert on nine Windows 2008 R2 based Oracle Weblogic 10.3 managed servers (web servers).  They’ll be behind […]