Archive for the ‘personal’ Category

Scouting Controversy

I’m a Cub Scout den leader: when my middle son wanted to join I stepped up because there wasn’t anyone else. Our family aren’t religious and we aren’t conservative. So I was nervous. I learned though, that Scouting isn’t all that much about religion and it’s definitely not about sex or gender. Or really even […]

Studying I/O performance in a complex system

We have a pair of identical computers (Dell R610s) clustered as our Subversion server.  The repo administrators began reporting poor performance about six weeks ago.  Performance like this: a directory listing (ls -l) sometimes takes over 30 seconds to return. That’s just annoying, but it’s indicative of an underlying problem which is causing very, very […]


I’m old enough now to think about death personally. As in, my own. When people I know or even people my age that I don’t know die now, it’s much more meaningful to me that it was when I was younger. A man in Greenland, NH, a town not far from where we live, shot […]

Bash functions for posting to blosxom from the command line

Here are those two bash functions I use at work to make my blosxom blog into a daily time log. I made them because I wanted to be able to dash off a one-liner entry into a logfile that would be easily viewable later. So, here they are: Timelog function Make a single line entry […]

June colds?

Anyone else get colds in summer?  I’ve got one and it sucks.  I’d say it’s an allergy attack, but it’s behaving just like a cold – itchy throat, then runny nose, then cough and fever…. ack!

The bright side of wrong – The Boston Globe

When I read this, I thought of all the poor kids whose parents constantly correct them and scold them for making mistakes and prevent them from taking risks – intellectual risks, social risks, physical risks.  There’s strong motivation here for expanding your parenting style to incorporate allowing your kids to screw up.  And even for […]

Would You Rather Be Right or Be At Peace?

I follow this guy’s blog, Stephen Mills.  He wrote a piece today that explains very well one of the choices I’ve been trying to finishing making for the past five years or so.  Would You Rather Be Right or Be At Peace?.  Good stuff, Stephen.  Thanks!

Citicard is shortsighted.

Remember the pain we used to have to go through to cancel a credit card?  Well, not anymore.  And that’s weird.  You’d think that with the recession so close behind them the creditors would be trying hard to keep customers. Luca and I just got back from fishing – caught a nice, 18″ large mouth […]

Installing gdata on Ubuntu 9.04.

Don’t forget that by default, most python module install themselves in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/. But the default install of python2.6 on Ubuntu 9.04 doesn’t look there. Ugh. So, instead of installing with python install use python install –install-layout=deb and the module will install itself in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages and then python will be able to find it.


Old news. Didn’t upgrade my wordpress for a looong time. Came over this afternoon to make a new post and found the bottom of my blog covered in arabic. Ugh. Someone had added an administrator account, too. So, apply new theme and nuke the old – the templates were altered. Delete all three add-ons. Change […]