Just a *LITTLE* bone showing…

[15:29] MikeDiehn: so, okay.
[15:29] MikeDiehn: here we are.
[15:29] MikeDiehn: I’m so bored.
[15:29] Friend One: why a chat room?
[15:29] MikeDiehn: cause [two]is on too.
[15:29] Friend One: she is?
[15:29] *** [Friend Two] has joined the chat.
[15:29] Friend One: ohhh… she is 🙂
[15:30] Friend Two: hey all!
[15:30] MikeDiehn: and speak of the deveil
[15:30] Friend One: hi [two]
[15:30] MikeDiehn: devil
[15:30] Friend Two: you know me
[15:30] MikeDiehn: 🙂
[15:30] Friend Two: evil evil evil
[15:30] MikeDiehn: yessss… we doooo…
[15:30] MikeDiehn: so, I have to tell you this.
[15:30] Friend Two: what???
[15:30] Friend Two: do tell.
[15:30] MikeDiehn: You know we buried Bay last fall?
[15:30] Friend Two: yes
[15:30] MikeDiehn: our aged 1/4 horse, right?
[15:30] MikeDiehn: You hear the grave storey?
[15:30] Friend Two: no
[15:30] MikeDiehn: ohmigodwhatapun
[15:30] Friend Two: lol
[15:30] Friend Two: nice
[15:31] MikeDiehn: dug big grave 10 days early, huge rainfall in fall. (shit, too puny) …
[15:31] MikeDiehn: doc comes, puts horse down…
[15:31] MikeDiehn: I fire up the backhoe, haul him to the edge of the… no, not grave… the
[15:31] MikeDiehn: edge of the new SWIMMING POOL…
[15:31] Friend One: oh no!
[15:32] MikeDiehn: ten by ten by eight, filled to within six inches.
[15:32] Friend Two: eek
[15:32] MikeDiehn: right.
[15:32] MikeDiehn: so, dead things… sink or float?
[15:32] MikeDiehn: right.
[15:32] Friend Two: not good
[15:32] MikeDiehn: so,… it’s a shallow grave for Bay.
[15:32] MikeDiehn: I do my best to break him up a bit (and I’m REALLY trying hard not to visualize right now)
[15:32] MikeDiehn: and sink him
[15:32] MikeDiehn: but there’s a bit that a little too close to the surface for my liking.
[15:32] MikeDiehn: Anyway.
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Winter.
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Spring
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Mud Season.
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Now….
[15:33] Friend One: eewww
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Balmy, lovely cool breeeeezy night…
[15:33] Friend One: i don’t like where this is goin
[15:33] MikeDiehn: windows open…
[15:33] MikeDiehn: hey, honey… you smell something?
[15:33] MikeDiehn: Oh GOD, something’s wrong with the new sheets! No, it’s the baby!
[15:34] MikeDiehn: Oh JEEZ, it that your… your teeth or something? I mean, I love you, but, jeazus.
[15:34] MikeDiehn: So…. noooo…. it’s coming from … yep.
[15:34] MikeDiehn: That dark lonely corner of the Paddock…
[15:34] MikeDiehn: yeah.
[15:34] MikeDiehn: I think I need to blog this.
[15:34] Friend One: hah
[15:35] MikeDiehn: Anyway, I ask Andi – hey – I just can’t bear it to check on that grave…
[15:35] Friend One: you’re a good storyteller
[15:35] MikeDiehn: She volunteers and calls me this morning…
[15:35] MikeDiehn: It’s not to bad sweetie… yeah, the grave has sunk a bit and there’s one small hole.
[15:35] MikeDiehn: Not *much* BONE SHOWING THROUGH!!!!
[15:35] MikeDiehn: Ph*****
[15:35] Friend One: ew
[15:35] MikeDiehn: Looks like backbone, BUT IT”S PICKED Clean…
[15:35] Friend One: she’s brave
[15:35] MikeDiehn: Yeah
[15:36] MikeDiehn: So, that explains the crows I’ve been seeing hanging around the corner over there.
[15:37] MikeDiehn: Anyway…. we gotta add some soil to the grave and all should be well.
[15:37] MikeDiehn: .
[15:37] MikeDiehn: .
[15:37] MikeDiehn: .
[15:37] MikeDiehn: Yeah, she writes well, eh?
[15:37] Friend Two: that’s rough…
[15:37] Friend Two: good story, though — you should blog it, you’re right!
[15:37] Friend Two: does she use her real name in the paper?
[15:37] MikeDiehn: I’m copyuing and pasting…
[15:37] MikeDiehn: Andi? Yeah.
[15:37] Friend Two: i’ll have to look
[15:37] MikeDiehn: And mine, and Tallis and Luca…

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