Catching up….

Sooo, Dan chewed my ass for leaving my blog alone for so long. Here’s a brief update: I have Gout. Lovely. Turns out that it doesn’t have anything to do with diet, though some things are thought to increase or decrease the severity of attacks.

What else? Well, I’m still at the IML as a system administrator and I’m enjoying that. Tallis is learning guitar and Luca is still very interested in what ever Tallis is doing.

We had a lovely visit over the holidays from my parents and Jacob, my brother David’s son. Tallis and especially Luca were gaga over Jacob – he’s seven, they’re four and two respectively. Mom and Dad and Andi and I build a loft for the boys in their room.

I’m happily loosing weight and getting healthier. The anniversary of the date I quit smoking is approaching: Feb 24th (8:30 PM EDT). I no longer am constantly aware of the minutes from that date to now. Which ignorance I regard as a good sign that I’m succeeding this time. After more attempts than I can count, something like 150, I very pleased to be making it this time.

Diehn Consulting, LLC is still going. We cut back to one ongoing client and three or four occasional clients. Very happy with them and the results. Andi’s car is dying and the microwave died, so it may be time to take on another client….

Paul Landry and I go to lunch pretty much every week now, for the last year or so, actually, and I’m glad to have that routine. Paul’s a good guy and I wish I had more time to spend with him.

I seem to have made a new friend in Dan B (from above). He wrote me about my work with FINOWEN, asking about Wireless WANs and we’ve been IMing daily since. Nice guy, really interesting. I admire their commitment to sustainable living: if you visit his site, you’ll see that he and his wife built a homestead off the grid. They use nothing but wind and sun for power, etc. So, that’s cool. Maybe I can learn something from them we can use at home. Wind is unlikely for us but solar is a good bet, I think.

So, that’s all I have for now.


  1. Chris says:

    That’s good stuff Mike, glad to hear all is going well. I agree Dan’s commitment to using renewable energy resources is rather inspiring. In a rural area, say Grafton perhaps, it makes complete sense, where that source of power is far more reliable than grid power. Saving the earth never hurts either.

    P.S. That story about your dog dying is a tear jerker. Great wrap up at the end though, tied it all together…..maybe you minored in journalism….

  2. Mike Diehn says:

    Thanks, Chris! Do I know you by chance?

  3. Chris says:

    Indeed you do, however I’m sure you found out that clicking my blue name leads to nowhere land.. It’s Chris Irwin, Crossover International, Senior Systems Integrator.

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