
Sauron seems cool.  Been out of development for a while.  I’ve installed 0.7.3 on a server at work to try it out.  It’s an IPAM – IP Address Management system that also writes BIND and ISC DHCP configs and zone files.  Backed by PostgreSQL.  Looks like it can manage a bunch of servers for us.

So, ran into some troubles.  PostgreSQL is up to version 8.3.9 in the SLES 11 SP1 distro.  In PG 8.0 and earlier, user table creation defaulted to adding the OID system column.  Sauron developers made use of that column in a few places.  Since I’m using 8.3.9 and I’m brand bloody new to both PG and Sauron, it took me a while to figure this out.  Ultimately, I just changed ~postgres/data/??postgresql.conf so that it works the way it used to: default_with_oids = on and then redid the database creation and population work.

There are some other bits of cruft I’d like to document and send in to the Sauron folks.  Maybe they’d like to have patches?  here’s a short list:

  • Would be nice to have better docs about creating the sauron user in the database.  Or any docs about that, really. 🙂
  • Current PostgreSQL (8.0+) doesn’t make OID columns in user tables by default, change table creation scripts or config PG to old behavior
  • Sauron’s import-ether’s script can protect against bad UTF-8 data easily thus:
use utf8;
use encode;
$info = encode( "UTF-8", $info );

So, there’s some notes for myself.  If this is useful to you also and you want more detail (I’ll forget to come update this, I’m sure.) drop me a line and I’ll do what I can.

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