Archive for the ‘kids’ Category

Bbrringg, bbbrrringgg: old phones, new ears.

Power was out this morning.  It’s still out at home but I’m in the office where it’s warm and dry and happy…  ok, let’s not gloat.  Anyway, when the power goes out, we pull the digital, cordless phone base-station off the kitchen wall and plug in an old, analogue, single-line, business telephone.  And it works.  […]

What Tallis knows about feelings and hearts….

Andi sits down with a set of notes: “Wanna hear an adorable exchange between me and Tallis today?” So, she’s taken notes on this one – it’s gotta be good, right? Just wait: Andi and Tallis are sitting at the dinig room table, she’s swinging her feet, tapping his from time to time…. Tallis: Mommy, […]

Exim4 and routing message to /dev/null

Fairly common practice from Sendmail and even Postfix setups is to use an alias in /etc/aliases or some such file to route mail for a certain address to the “bitbucket.” Like this: spamtrap: /dev/null Well, put that into /etc/aliases on a Debian system running Exim4 with a stock config and it won’t work. I learned […]

Birthday Boys.

Happy Sunday all. Tallis is four today. Luca was two on the 12th. We had a party for the two of them yesterday and it was great fun: Grammy and Mada were up from Plymouth and brought Granmma Pat. Julie and Ryan from Tallis’ school came with their families. We had the Reynolds and Shinlingers […]

MRTG, RRDTool and One minute polling all over again…

SO long ago it’s lost in the fog of burnt neurons, I made MRTG do one-minute polling and now I have to do it again….. ugh…

"I Farted," he said.

My son has learned to pee in his potty. He’s sitting over there across the living room from me, happily sitting on his potty, reading a book (three and a half years old), and he looks up at me with a sly grin on his face and says – “I fahrted!” And then a minute […]