Archive for the ‘personal’ Category

I got the squirrel and the squirrel got me.

Got a squirrel at 75 yards Sunday. Not a bad shot, but about 1/4 of an inch to the left would have been better.  As it happened, the round passed through it’s neck just aft of the skull and just above the spine, apparently just disabling it’s shoulders.  So, it fell out of the tree […]

Kinesis keyboards and GNOME

Randall Wood wrote a decent article about about customising Gnome for using Kinesis keyboards.

Bbrringg, bbbrrringgg: old phones, new ears.

Power was out this morning.  It’s still out at home but I’m in the office where it’s warm and dry and happy…  ok, let’s not gloat.  Anyway, when the power goes out, we pull the digital, cordless phone base-station off the kitchen wall and plug in an old, analogue, single-line, business telephone.  And it works.  […]