Archive for the ‘pets’ Category

Catching up….

Sooo, Dan chewed my ass for leaving my blog alone for so long. Here’s a brief update: I have Gout. Lovely. Turns out that it doesn’t have anything to do with diet, though some things are thought to increase or decrease the severity of attacks. What else? Well, I’m still at the IML as a […]


Are Greyhounds grey? No. Not usually. We adopted two greyhounds. Pope and Bagen. They’re amazingly cool dogs. And I do mean “cool” in the 1980’s sense of the word – just laid back, calm, collected. They remind me of horses they are so cool. But they aren’t grey. Nope. Pope is black, going grey in […]

So THAT’s more than a little…

Yep. So, I went down to the grave to see for myself how things lie. And, well, sure enough, there’s a bit of backbone exposed and a small hole. If by “a bit”, you mean 38 or 40 inches of vary large vertebrae arching across the edge of a hole and if by “small” you […]

Buried Him in the Garden.

The boys and Andi came home around noon thirty. We told them about Tooppy and wow – kids are really resilient. Tallis, our four year old, understand what’s going on and we all went down back to where Tupelo was resting on his old blanket on the lawn. Tallis and Luca petted his fur, looked […]

Toopy died.

Yep. A little over an hour ago, I came home to pick up Tupelo and take him to the vet to find out why he’s been acting so strangely the last 48 hours or so. Andi had let him stay out on the back lawn and when I went out to find him, he was […]