What Tallis knows about feelings and hearts….

Andi sits down with a set of notes: “Wanna hear an adorable exchange between me and Tallis today?”

So, she’s taken notes on this one – it’s gotta be good, right? Just wait:

Andi and Tallis are sitting at the dinig room table, she’s swinging her feet, tapping his from time to time….

Tallis: Mommy, please don’t kick my feet. That hurts my feelings.
Andi: Tallis, what are feelings?
Tallis: They are things that protect your heart!
Andi: Oh. What is a heart?
Tallis: Oh, Mommy! You know what a heart is. It goes like this (draws half a heart in the air) and like this (draws the other half).
Andi: And everyone has one? Where do we keep them?
Tallis: (thumbs over his shoulder) Out in the road!


One Comment

  1. Tessa says:

    He’s so cute!

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